Sunday, May 20, 2007

Article in Louisiana Law Review

A month or so ago I wrote about the process for publishing academic articles, and now that we've gone through that drill for the current cycle I'm pleased to report my Essay "Government as Liberty's Servant: The 'Reasonable Time, Place and Manner' Standard of Review for All Restrictions on Liberty Interests" will appear in the 2007-08 volume of the Louisiana Law Review.

Here's Essay abstract:

"This essay suggests that the American legal system fails to do proper justice to the robust conception of Liberty under which the nation was founded, and locates a major source of the problem in the Supreme Court’s current presumption-of-constitutionality approach to judicial review, prompted by post-New Deal backlash to Lochner v. New York. This essay offers a new due process clause-based presumption-of-liberty standard of judicial review, modeled on the Court’s existing First Amendment “reasonable time, place and manner” doctrine. This approach, already utilized narrowly by the Third Circuit Federal Court of Appeals in Lutz v. York in 1990, more accurately reflects the Constitution’s core Liberty-First ideals, while also recognizing the proper police-power role of government."

Click here for a link to the full essay.